Music & Worship

Cantata 2022 RehearsalVoices of Hope

Any member of Hope is open to anyone who enjoys singing. They rehearse Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm from September thru May. They share their gift of song during worship 2 Sundays a month.

Handbell Choir

Meets seasonally for special times of the church year, like Christmas.

Worship Assistants

Worship services go much more smoothly with volunteers to help out. Lending a hand at services creates a bond between you and others in the church and at the same time, serving the Lord. There are many ways you can help out with worship services:

  • Ushers
  • Greeters
  • Lay readers
  • Communion set-up/clean-up
  • Media Booth

Sign-up on the board in the narthex at Hope if you can help out.